Magnetic AutoControl AC Solar Powered Barrier Operators

You can now power your Access barrier opener with the sun! Magnetic AutoControl has introduced a new line of access barriers that is solar-compatible. The Access 24V Barrier Opener is designed specifically for access solutions inside or around facilities that already have 24V power for machinery. It contains the same features and components found in the standard MicroDrive line and is a great addition to manufacturing facilities.
But this new sophisticated barrier arm isn't just able to run on your existing power - it is also Solar Compatible! Forget about using your power; instead, use the free energy from the sun to open and close your barrier arm.
The Magnetic AutoControl BAT011-S Solar Package comes with everything you need to hook up and install your solar panel. It includes a 75-watt solar panel, a solar charger, and two 12Ah batteries.
Learn More About Our New Solar-Compatible Barrier Arm Openers
Purchase The Magnetic AutoControl Solar Panel Kit
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